Install zend framework 1.12 in windows 7
In this article, we will installing zend framework 1.12 in windows. To install zend, you must : – Activate mod_rewrite in httpd.conf on your apache.
In this article, we will installing zend framework 1.12 in windows. To install zend, you must : – Activate mod_rewrite in httpd.conf on your apache.
Dapet error kaya gini di yii, pas koneksi pake postgresql : error diatas ada tanda “::1” yang artinya ipv6, sedangkan web yang kita gunakan ipv4, jadi muncullah error seperti itu. Nah solusinya ubah setingan dbnya dari localhost menjadi seperti dibawah… Continue Reading
In this tutorial, we will installing composer in windows. What is composer? Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the dependent libraries your project needs and it will install them in your project… Continue Reading
In this tutorial, we will see ‘how to create file on Amazon s3 using php’. Before using the following script, you must installed aws sdk php.