Create CRUD in yii2 without GII
DEMO HERE Previously, i wrote an article “How to create CRUD using GII in Yii2“. Now here i will show you how to Create CRUD without GII. Let’s begin !
DEMO HERE Previously, i wrote an article “How to create CRUD using GII in Yii2“. Now here i will show you how to Create CRUD without GII. Let’s begin !
In this article i will show you “how to use some class(Html & Url) in yii2” to get relative and absolute URL. *note : My url yii2 located in http://localhost/yii2_advanced/ directory in /var/ww/html/yii2_advanced
In this article you’ll learn how to create CRUD in yii2 using GII. This below is sample output : DEMO HERE Let’s do it ! CONNECTION First, configure the database connection in common/config/main-local.php : TABLE The table name is “book”. GENERATE CRUD… Continue Reading
DEMO PLUGIN In this tutorial i will show you how to install extension kartik widget in yii2 and how to use it. INSTALL 1) First, install composer.phar in your root directory of yii If you get error “curl: command not found”,… Continue Reading
Demo here The default ‘frontend’ url in yii2 is Now, we will change it to Let’s do it! 1) Create .htaccess on your root directory of yii, copy script below (ctrl + h if .htaccess is hidden) :