Install and connect to Opensearch Service (Elasticsearch 7.10) using Elasticsearch PHP client

In this tutorial, we are gonna install elasticsearch-php client and connect to Opensearch Service (Elasticsearch 7.10) on AWS Cloud.


  • You have already installed Elasticsearch 7.10 on Opensearch service with public access (internet), so we just go installing elasticsearch-php-client
  • Using PHP 8.3.12 for elasticsearch-php client v7.11.0
  • Installed Apache webserver
  • Ubuntu 24.04

Summary steps

  • Install composer on your local computer
  • Install elasticsearch-php client v7.11.0
  • Test connect to Elasticsearch 7.10
  • Test create index
  • Insert data

Let’s get started!

Install composer on your local computer

My workspace is under /var/www/html/elasticsearch-php

To install elasticsearch-php client, we need composer. Install it with the following command:

php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"

php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === 'dac665fdc30fdd8ec78b38b9800061b4150413ff2e3b6f88543c636f7cd84f6db9189d43a81e5503cda447da73c7e5b6') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"

php composer-setup.php

php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
installing composer for elastich-php client

After running above command, it creates a file named composer.phar. In the next step we will use composer.phar to install elasticsearch-php client.

Install elasticsearch-php client v7.11.0

We will use elasticsearch-php client v7.11.0 (not latest version), because our elasticsearch is v7.10.0. I am worried if using latest version of elasticsearch-php client, it will not work (backward compatibility) for elasticsearch v7.10.0.

In order to install elasticsearch-php client v7.11.0, the command is as follows:

php composer.phar require elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.11.0
install elasticsearch php client

If you run ls -al, you will see vendor folder. The elasticsearch-php client is installed inside that folder.

Test connect to Elasticsearch 7.10

For your information, this is my elasticsearch 7.10 setup installed on Opensearch service:

Elasticsearch service on AWS cloud

Now, let’s focus on testing connecting to elasticsearch 7.10. Create a file named index.php in elasticsearch-php folder. Then paste this script:

	require 'vendor/autoload.php';

	use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;

	$client = ClientBuilder::create()
	    ->setBasicAuthentication('your elasticsearch username', 'your elasticsearch username')

    $response = $client->info();

    echo "<pre>";


  • Change setHosts value with your elasticsearch domain endpoint IPv4 (See above image)
  • Change setBasicAuthentication values with your elasticsearch username, and password (this username, password you got from initial elasticsearch / opensearch service installation)



If the connection is success, then the output is like this:

install elasticsearch php

Test create index

By this time, we have successfully connected to elasticsearch v7.10.0.

Now we are going to test creating an simple index.

Modify your index.php and paste this script:

	require 'vendor/autoload.php';

	use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;

	$client = ClientBuilder::create()
	    ->setBasicAuthentication('your elasticsearch username', 'your elasticsearch username')

	$params = [
		"index" => "test-elasticsearch-php"

	$response = $client->indices()->create($params);

	echo "<pre>";

Run again:


If succeed, the response is like this:

install elasticsearch php

Check on kibana dashboard (provided by Opensearch service), go to Open Distro for Elasticsearch > Index Management, you will see test-elasticsearch-php is on there.

Great!, we have successfully created an index. Now let’s insert data in the next step.

Insert data

Modify your index.php, and paste in it:

	require 'vendor/autoload.php';

	use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;

	$client = ClientBuilder::create()
	    ->setBasicAuthentication('your elasticsearch username', 'your elasticsearch username')

	$params = [
		"index" 	=> "test-elasticsearch-php",
		"id"		=> "123",
		"body"		=> [
						"name" => "Moko",
						"address" => "Jl. Greenstreet",
						"create_date" => "2024-01-01 12:11:01"		

	$response = $client->index($params);

	echo "<pre>";



It outputs:

If you see on kibana dashboard, it’s stored in index: test-elasticsearch-php

Ambar Hasbiyatmoko

Hello, I'm web developer. Passionate about programming, web server, and networking.

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