MySQL 8 size grows so fast on Ubuntu, disable your binlog!

My specification:

  • MySQL 8.0.41
  • Ubuntu server 24.0.1 LTS

An issue in my Ubuntu is the remaining storage shrink so fast. After trying to calculate the size of each folder, i found a strange thing.

du -sh /var/lib/*

/var/lib/mysql has 3.8GiB, however i just have a database with small data in it. I then go into mysql folder, then calculating again with du -sh

du -sh /var/lib/mysql/*
disable binary log mysql

As you see above, it created many binlog file that have 100MB of each file. That means, your mysql binary log is on, that consumes a lot of size.

If you don't need to use binary log, then you can disable it to keep your storage free.

Disable binary log MySQL 8

Before disabling binary log permanently in MySQL 8, let’s remove the existing binary logs, by:


Now, if you look it back to mysql folder, the binary log files are gone.

ls -al
disable binary log mysql

Next, disable mysql from binary log creation, open mysqld.conf

vi /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

Add the following parameter to the [mysqld] section to disable binary log.

disable binary log mysql

Save it, then restart your mysql to take the effect.

systemctl restart mysql

After restarted, you can check if binary log is already OFF, by typing this query:


And my available storage size get back (previously: 2.GiB, after binlog OFF: 6.3GiB)

df -h

Hope this help !

Ambar Hasbiyatmoko

Hello, I'm web developer. Passionate about programming, web server, and networking.

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