No networks device available

I get an problem “no networks device available” on ubuntu 14.04 after update my system by Software Updater.

no network devices available

I can’t connect to my wifi or modem. Huh, 2 days i looking for a solution, finally i get what the problem. This problem caused by ‘Kernel error’. When i update system, the kernel was updated too.

We can solve by restoring kernel to old kernel.
Step :

1) Open grub menu,
– If you have dualboot OS in your computer, the grub menu will appear automatically. If not, please press “shift”.
multiple os dual boot

2) Enter Advanced options for Ubuntu > Choose your previous kernel. This will showing all list of kernel you have.
set previous kernel ubuntu

3) Now, check your network. My network here is working back. Yeah!
** If your network still not working, you must change to other previous kernel

4) The last step, we must re-configure kernel to old kernel.
We can configure using software ‘grub customizer’.

a) Open your terminal, type :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install grub-customizer

b) Get old kernel version :

sudo uname -r

get kernel version
c) Open the application ‘grub customizer’, right click ‘Ubuntu’ > edit
change grub
d) Go to tab source, Now we can see some script. Put your old kernel version (step b) above) to this script :
Screenshot from 2015-09-07 00:18:59

d) Click ok > Save.
e) Restart your OS. Now, when you enter first menu (*Ubuntu) on the grub menu, your Ubuntu will use the old kernel.
grub menu ubuntu

Ambar Hasbiyatmoko

Hello, I'm web developer. Passionate about programming, web server, and networking.

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